Dimensional Capital Partners
Multifamily Investments
passive income through multifamily investing

Buy It
Unlocked Value & Potential
Proven Rental History
Visible Economic Trends
Existing Marketing
Income Day 1
Exits Within 2-5 Years

Build It
Build Under Market Costs
Create Higher Returns
High Demand Solution
Long Term Maintenance
Develop in New Markets
New Design Trends

Passive Income
Investing in multifamily allows you to receive passive income. What possibilities would that unlock for you?
Tax Deferment
When we sell a property to create you a huge profit. Current tax laws allows you to roll your profit into the next deal and defer taxes.
Higher Returns
Historically the stock market provides a 4%-8% return after fees and commissions. Multifamily returns average from 1992-2018 has been 9.75%+.
Priced Out
Multifamily has always been the solution for all income ranges. With trend of the economy many more will not be able to afford a home, so we will provide them a solution!

Good multifamily real estate is able to endure through significant economic trials and tribulations. The simple fact is, real estate is limited and doesn’t go out of business. This makes it very difficult to bring the value down to zero. When compared to other investment vehicles, the accessed value of real estate changes very slowly. The U.S. Census Bureau Housing Vacancy Survey April 2017 released that rent increased in both recessions. Investing with Dimensional Capital Partners not only offers an opportunity to provide more protection for your investment, we may also offer a return in the times where other investments are declining... or disappearing.
Multifamily Investments
Depreciation Tax Credit
Quarterly or Monthly Distributions
Higher Stability
Income Tax Benefits
Stable Market
2 Year -10 Year Investment Period
No Depreciation Tax
Quarterly Distributions
Can Be Volatile
Only Tax Deferred
Unstable Market
Up to 20+ Year Investment Period

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